Ardha Matsyendrasana
The history of the fish Matsyendra highlights the virtue of concentration and stillness.
According to Hindu religion when Shiva was in an island; explaining the mysteries of yoga to his wife Parvati.
He saw a fish near the shore remained motionless and listen with rapt attention when Shiva realized that fishes learned yoga. He blessed it as Matsyendra; lord of the fishes. The fish then took the divine; come on land and assume a seated spinal posture that allowed to him fully observed the teaching.Yogic lore credits this twist; called Paripurna Matsyendra. In 14th century manual of yoga call hatha Yoga Paradhika. This classic guides anoints matsyendra at the first human of hatha yoga.

The posture dedicated to him fans the gastric fire, cures all disease, and awakens
Kundalini Shakti.
When done correctly it increases spinal rotation; boost blood flow to the disks, and builds strength and flexibility in the erector spinal muscles, the tiny muscles that supports the spine.
Article by
Shivani Rawat
The Divine Space yog and Meditation
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